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A picture of Narcissus and Echo in the Mirror

I personally think that the highlight lesson for this first quarter is about Narcissus and Echo.


This story, specifically myth, tackles the two main characters, Echo and Narcissus. Echo is talkative and gets punished by Hera by having the last word only when talking. Her voice is the only thing that is remained in the cave. Meanwhile, Narcissus rejects Echo and is cruel to other girls who suffer because of his action. Because Nemesis heard the prayer of a maiden, he will experience unrequited love with his reflection. He died after drowning in the water because of his urge to be with the image in the lake. A flower grew on his place which was named after him.

Another lesson is about the plot of the story. Even though we learned this each year and we master this lesson, I still think it's the highlight of the whole quarter.


What is the most essential/most favorite lesson(s) that I learned from the class for the quarter? (1 lesson per quarter may do)


My favorite lesson was about the story of Narcissus and Echo. I think it's because I was the Expert Learner of the Day at that time, so I remember it the most. The technique of dividing the story into short parts also stayed with me since I can remember the essential details in that mythology. This method helps us figure out the different parts of the plot; exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement.


•How did it help me in real life? What is its impact on my life?
•What are the significant human experiences (SHE)/real-life experiences I can share, which I can relate to the lesson(s) discussed?


The concept of Narcissus being a person with narcissism is that it has a real mental disorder in the present. Back then, I have referred to some of the characters on the books I read as narcissistic even though they are not. Knowing information about narcissism disorder, I realized that I could use better words to describe them. And that I should also not generalize the word narcissistic like it's a self-absorbed word. It taught me to use better and correct terms in the future and be careful on using words that I don't know the real meaning of.

Besides the story I mentioned above, one thing is that I mostly initiate or bother my friends by chatting on social media. I try to talk less because I might end up like Echo sighs. Another example is I remember most of my dreams in detail after I wake up. I always open my phone to note the story to try to arrange them in the correct order. In that way, I can apply the lesson about the plot.

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